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Leen Mills
Primary School
Curious, Creative, Confident



Our Olympic mascot competition winners 🎉 Thank you for all the amazing entries!
A super start to our Olympic week in school, learning to throw a javelin! 🏆
Nominate us at and you could win a £100 gift card!
What an amazing morning. The children have had an fabulous morning buying and selling their own creations from Enterprise Week! From pizza to props, cakes to cookies, puppets, birds, insects, character jars and more! Thank you to all of the teachers for their support and enthusiasm for this week 😊🎉 Thank you to parents for supporting this too, we couldn't do it without you!
Some products made by KS2 for our Enterprise Week! :)
This week in school, we have our Enterprise Week! This is where each class takes part in researching, designing, making and selling items to make profits. The Friends of Leen Mills kindly donate money to each class as a starting point. This week helps build entrepreneurial skills and teamwork alongside children being imaginative and expressive. Check out some of the items our Foundation Stage and KS1 children have made! This includes cakes, pizzas, pom pom monsters, worry dolls, insects and puppets!
Our first 250+ readers in Y5! Reading every day since coming back to school in September! Amazing commitment to reading.

Upcoming Events...

Monday, 29th July 2024
Summer Holidays
Tuesday, 30th July 2024
Summer Holidays
Jelly Fitness Sports Camp (booking direct with Jelly Fitness.
Wednesday, 31st July 2024
Summer Holidays
Jelly Fitness Sports Camp (booking direct with Jelly Fitness.
Thursday, 1st August 2024
Summer Holidays
Jelly Fitness Sports Camp (booking direct with Jelly Fitness.
Friday, 2nd August 2024
Summer Holidays
Monday, 5th August 2024
Summer Holidays
Tuesday, 6th August 2024
Summer Holidays
Jelly Fitness Sports Camp (booking direct with Jelly Fitness.
Wednesday, 7th August 2024
Summer Holidays
Jelly Fitness Sports Camp (booking direct with Jelly Fitness.
Thursday, 8th August 2024
Summer Holidays
Jelly Fitness Sports Camp (booking direct with Jelly Fitness.
Friday, 9th August 2024
Summer Holidays