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Leen Mills
Primary School
Curious, Creative, Confident

Internet Safety


We teach our children to be safe, kind and respectful users of the internet. Our teachers regularly teach online safety lessons to pupils based on the Internet Legends Scheme of work and SMART code.  

We follow the simple rules of SMART:

Safe - keep your personal information secure

Meet - never meet up with an online stranger

Accept -be careful of accepting friend requests, messages and files from friends online

Realistic -is the site you are using sharing true information or it is 'fake news'? 

Tell - if you are ever worried or upset about something you have seen or done online please talk to a responsible adult who can help. 

CEOP Website
Are you worried
about online sexual
abuse or the way
someone has been
communicating with
you online?
Child Net
Helping make the
internet a great and
safe place for
children and young

Internet Matters
Advice on Social
The School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.