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Leen Mills
Primary School
Curious, Creative, Confident

September 2025 New Starter Open Events - Thursday 7th November 9.00am & 6.00pm, Tuesday 3rd December 9.00am & 6.00pm and Wednesday 8th January 6.00pm
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The curriculum at Leen Mills

What is the intention of our curriculum?
The aim at Leen Mills Primary school is to provide opportunities for children to develop as curious,
creative and confident learners.

This is achieved through a curriculum which focuses on more than just English and Maths.
The curriculum covers a full range of learning. It includes the EYFS and National Curriculum, which all
schools are legally required to teach, but emphasis is placed on the wider aspects to provide rich and
varied experiences for all. These include a range of extra-curricular activities that the school
provides in order to enrich experiences for the children. It also includes the ‘hidden curriculum’, that
is what the children learn from the way they are valued and the way they are expected to behave.
The staff and governors of Leen Mills Primary school believe that children should learn to value
themselves, their families and friends. They should develop qualities such as kindness and tolerance
of others and a regard for truth and honesty. They should acquire a positive approach to life and
learning and take a pride in their achievements and those of others.
Our curriculum is designed to prepare pupils to respond positively to the opportunities and challenges
of today’s fast changing world, to understand their heritage and to take their place in society;
recognising their role within the global community. We want our pupils to derive pleasure, satisfaction
and develop resilience from the wide range of activities we offer.
What we are doing to help provide children with the cultural capital they need to succeed in life:
 All children receive first hand experiences beyond the classroom; this is achieved through
educational visits (locally and beyond), residential visits for all classes in Key Stage 1 and 2,
visitors to the school and cultural activities e.g. Young Voices; the intention of this to widen
children’s horizons and to encourage aspiration.

To develop a sense of belonging, we want our children to take an active part in school life. This
is achieved, in part, through Enterprise week, school Council and  Sports Ambassador programme.

We are pro-active in trying to engage parents with their children’s education through meet
and greet sessions with Tree House (nurture provision), Class dojo, stay and read sessions,
open afternoons and enterprise week; we try and provide a balanced view to parents so that
they are more aspirational for their children.


The Learning journey
Teachers are responsible for the planning, preparation and delivery of opportunities which enable
learners, in relation to their starting points, to achieve high standards. This requires a thorough
knowledge of each individual in the class (prior attainment, targets, learning needs, cultural
backgrounds and interests); it also requires sound subject knowledge with effective planning and
stimulating use of strategies, resources and support staff to enable all pupils to learn effectively.
Teachers are expected to create a secure and friendly environment in which high levels of good
behaviour is maintained. Our aim as teachers, is to enable learners to thrive, enjoy and develop the
skills and capacity to work both independently and collaboratively making good progress in all aspects
of their learning. We recognise and celebrate success through assemblies, dojo points and displays.
We ensure that there is a broad range of opportunities for everyone to shine. Children are grouped
according to the aims of the lessons. For English and maths, this is sometimes by academic ability,
however, throughout the day, it may also be mixed ability, by gender or friendships. Activities are
differentiated to meet learning needs. Our SENDCo and Tree House coordinate support those with
educational, social and emotional needs following the graduated response. (Refer to the Special
Needs policy for further information).