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Leen Mills
Primary School
Curious, Creative, Confident

Head Teachers Welcome

Welcome to Leen Mills Primary school

We are a warm and welcoming school where we develop curious, creativeconfident learners. Here at Leen Mills we put the children at the heart of all we do. Our exciting and engaging curriculum allows children to achieve in more than just maths and English.  Our broad and balanced curriculum covers a full range of learning for all, but emphasis is placed on the wider aspects to provide rich and varied experiences for all. These include a range of extra-curricular activities that the school provides to enrich experiences for all our pupils.  Our dedicated friendly staff team work tirelessly to provide all the children with the education that allows them to achieve their own full potential.  

We hope that you will enjoy browsing our school website and that it gives you a flavour of what life is like at Leen Mills Primary School and provide you with a range of information from our visions, aims and curriculum to our policies and practice. However, the best way to understand who we are and what we can offer is to come in and see us in action.

Any questions or if you require further information please contact the school office on 0115 9536688. If your queries is around SEND support please ask for our excellent SENDco and Assistant Head teacher Miss Owen who would be more than happy to discuss your needs.

Mrs Karen Goldson

Head Teacher